Twitter Weekly Updates for 2009-06-27

Michael Jackson’s most memorable performances (14 videos on What a talent. # 2008: 1st yr in history when emissions from developing countries exceeded those of industrialized nations (RT @cop15) # Excellent reading for every entrepreneur: 5 reasons why business plans fail. [from @CEO_INGDIRECT] (RT @Kazimor) # Wow, the Magic get

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Twitter Weekly Updates for 2009-06-20

Oops hiccuped “it” in the last tweet > deleted and fixed it. Long day… # You know it’s outsourced customer service when they ask you to press 7 for English. (RT @tremendousnews) Ain’t it the truth. # VERY COOL way to view & edit your #WordPress database options: Thanks!! # Create An Awesome

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Twitter Weekly Updates for 2009-06-13

WP 2.8 followup: deactivated plugins, then cleaned out cache. Screen options works, added plugins 1 at a time & now all is well. # For a country that bans much of the internet, those clever Chinese sure have figured out how to spam blogs. Gmail is their friend. # WP 2.8 users: can’t get

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Twitter Weekly Updates for 2009-06-06

Do you understand RSS and how to subscribe to a feed? Try this video: (RT @therichbrooks) Good job Rich. # Simple way to strengthen your branding – lots of folks don’t know how to use their domain’s email addresses, here’s how: # Why do webcasts so often make people look all pointy

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